Thursday, September 15, 2005

Online Game

DD Poker 2

We've been talking for a while about trying to get some online games going. Using an online site didn't really fit our needs, customizable game being one of the main things. DD Poker to the rescue.

Version 2 of DD poker includes the ability to set up and host your own online games. One person is the host and everyone else connects to their box. The only catch is that you need the software. It costs, $29.99. You can get $5 off; just as Kevin I'm sure he'll give you the full story. If you want the $5 off, Click on this link.

I've played a few online games and it works pretty well. Kevin and I played a few times heads-up as well. If some more people get it we can coordinate getting some games going.

We also have a teamspeak server set up so we can talk to each other. This hasn't quite been tested correctly yet, but we're working on it. Of course my dial up connection sucks.

The links DD Poker and Teamspeak are in the Links on the left. Let me know if you get it.


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