Saturday, August 20, 2005

Missed the game

There was a game last night. Last I heard they had nine people playing, sounds like a good number.

I haven't heard how it went. I'm interested in hearing how Henry's online practice helps... or not.

Let me know how it went for you guys.

I went to the Gateway Grizzlies game last night with the family. We all had a pretty good time. The girls each got a baseball, which they had a couple of players autograph.

I also got to go on the field for the bed races. My Mom and I against my sister-in-law and her son. It was pretty fun, right up to the point when my Mom flew off the bed. I missed the tumble, I was too busy celebrating the victory. Arms in the air, playing up to the crowd, while Mom was on the turf under a mattress.

She was OK, no harm right. It was fun, we called it a tie.


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