Thursday, November 17, 2005

Henry on Hiatus

It’s over…

Well another poker night has come and gone. Henry came to play and came out on top increasing his points along with Robert and Jamie. Once again the cards and I just don’t seem to get along very well. My three pocket pairs did not treat me very well. Pocket Aces got everyone to fold to a raise. Pocket Kings were folded to an Ace on the flop and a reraise. And pocket tens smoked my magical pocket eights, oh well, that’s poker.

Anyway the final table is set for the 21st at Kevin’s house. Right now we have eleven at the table. I’m not sure if they are going to all show we’ll have to get a count. Final points are updated.

Here's how we finished.
1. Henry
2. Robert
3. Jamie*
4. Mike
5. Brian
6. Bobby
7. Kevin

*Collected Bounty

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Game Twelve

Last One

I'm going to move the game up a week because some of our people will be going out of town on the 23rd. Let me know if you can make it by email or on the blog.

Here are the details:

Wednesday November 16 at 7 p.m. $20 buy-in (remind me to pull of $30 for the annual pot) , we're going to start at 7 so if you are running late let me know and we can put your blinds in.

It seemed to work out pretty good last time to not rake the game for food and drink. If we want some food we'll order Domino's and collect some extra from there. Bring anything else you may think you need. I have beer so don't worry about that.

Remember this is the last game to make it to the final table or bump up your points. Leave a comment on the blog or email me if you can make it. I'll update this post with the list of players.
