Saturday, November 25, 2006

It's Over

The final tournament is set...

Well we have a full house for the final tournament. Two new people made it to the table. Congrats to Fred and Don for making it.

Next months invite list is on the right. If your name is over there you're in. Take the number of points you have an multipy by 1000 and that is your starting chip stack. I'll send an email out later. As of right now, Kevin is going to host it.

Here is the fininsh.

1. Fred *
2. Don
3. Jamie
4. Bob K.
5. Kevin
6. Lee
7. Bob Y.
8. Brian
9. Dave C.
10. Nick
11. Tom B. ¤
12. Ben
13. Henry
14. Sean
15. Scott
16. Greg
17. Robert

* - previous winner bounty (+3)
¤ - TOC bounty (+1)


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