Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Been a while

The Letdown

It has been a while since I've had a real post here. The last game went to 2 a.m. and I got up and made it to work by 7. I think I'm still tired... We had a pretty big build up to the game and then AJ dropped eary, Jeff got tons of bad beats, Kevin forgot his "new aggressive" style and the rest is history.

Glad to see Henry in the money though. However, we may have created a new pro, making a living at the boats. Can you say subsidising your retirement. Hopefully that money will still spend at our games.

You know the 2005 WSOP is in June this year ( June 2, 2005 – July 15, 2005) the Main Event starts on July 7. Make your reservations now, it's only $10,000.

Anyway, enough for now.


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