Sunday, February 27, 2005

I'm a poker moron

I got my poker feathers all fluffed up and thought I was the poker god. So I decided to enter in a hold em tournament. I suppose that you may be able to tell that it didn't go to well.

48 people entered, each started with $1000 in chips. Blinds started at $10/$20 and raised every 1/2 hour.

I got pretty much crap for cards the entire day. I made it past the fourth round and then the wheels fell off. One stupid hand takes pretty much everyting. Two pair beat by a straight.

Anyway, it was fun. I wish the cards would have come though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:29 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

That sir is an understatement.

7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, not only am I predicting that I'll win the next game, but I'm also predicting that I'll earn the bounty! Better watch yourself, Buck.

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I's impressed!

Can't wait to sit at the new table. Please clear the entrance of the Man Room of all poo before my arrival. :)

1:31 PM  

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