Thursday, February 17, 2005

Game Two Complete

points add up

Game two is in the books. We had a light crowd, five people, but the game was good.

We tested out the new table covering, no more fuzzies. The black velveteen worked out pretty good. Along with the padding it was a pretty good surface. Next up is a rail. Let's hope I get it done by the next one.

Maybe the warmer weather will bring out a few more players.

A bounty system was introduced tonight, to add a litte extra to the game. It works like this:
The winner from the previous round has a three point bounty on their head. The person who takes out the last winner gets a three point bonus for the night. If more than one person is in the pot it is the one who either calls the all in or puts the person in. If the person doesn't show, no bounty applies.

The bounty tonight was on AJ

On to the results:

1. Brian* 10 + 3
2. AJ* 7
3. Mike 5
4. Kevin* 3
5. Dick 1

-------------- Totals ----------------------
AJ* 17
Brian* 16
Kevin* 10
Jeff 5
Mike 5
Adena 1
Dave 1
Bobby 1
Dick 1

* Seat at final table, 10 chips per point


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